Located about 14 kms off the Gumla–Lohardaga road, Anjan village in Palkot block of Gumla district encompasses dense forests and hillocks. Till recently, it was known as a safe haven for ultra-left rebel outfits. Not to speak of outsiders, the local police too didn’t dare to venture into the area even during daytime.
According to a popular belief, Lord Hanuman was born in the Anjan village of Gumla district and the “fact” was ‘discovered’ by a teenager Munda ‘charwaha’ (shepherd). A British ‘Tehsildar’ (tax collector) William Saheb helped in the construction of the temple and the then duke or zamindar of Ratu Estate generously donated land, money and other necessary aids, so goes the legend.

With Naxalism on the wane now, hundreds of devotees from far-flung areas visit this temple everyday for fufilment of their wishes. The Baiga or Munda Pahan (priest) helps them perform the rituals. The area around the temple is dominated by Munda and Oraon tribes, who have been ensuring a smooth management of temple affairs for the past several decades.
“While grazing cattle, a Lohra (Scheduled Tribe) boy rested near a rock that apparently covered a small cave and played his flute after finishing his meals and taking a nap. Suddenly, he noticed a snake like creature coming out of the cave, which soon took the shape of a monkey,” author Santosh Kido tells The Indian Tribal recalling one of the popular legends.
The frightened boy ran away and informed the villagers. The word soon reached “Billiam Saheb”, as the villagers pronounced William as Billiam. Though the British officer refused to believe the incident, nevertheless, he immediately rushed to the spot for an inquiry and found nothing unusual.
When he returned home, his keys were missing. William went back to the particular place looking for his keys. As he frantically searched for his keys, he too witnessed the same happening as narrated by the Lohra boy. Terribly frightened, William rushed back home. After reaching home, he found that the keys were there in his pocket. The snake-turned-monkey was taken for Hanuman.

Another belief has it that Lord Hanuman’s mother Anjana Devi resided in the 1500-feet cave that was neatly covered from all sides. Only Pawan Dev (Vayu Devta) — Lord Hanuman’s father — could go inside. It is said Lord Shiva whispered sermons into her ears sitting outside the cave, which the Shivalingas and pond like structures found on the premises lend credence to.
While the name of the place Anjan Dham is said to have derived from Anjana Devi, the temple is the only of its kind where Lord Hanuman is seen in the lap of his mother Anjana Devi.
Thus go the stories of Lord Hanuman’s links with the tribals of Jharkhand.