Mizoram Loves Its Indigenous Inbuan Wrestling
Various forms of wrestling are in practice across the world, each with its own set of rules. Mizoram has one form too. Proyashi Barua watches the arena
Read moreVarious forms of wrestling are in practice across the world, each with its own set of rules. Mizoram has one form too. Proyashi Barua watches the arena
Read moreSome simple, traditional games that have been played across generations among the tribals in the western State have now died out. Mayuri Dave describes one such game
Read moreThis game is a lot tougher than climbing a tree. It is heartening to see the Nagaland Government promoting indigenous games by holding an annual event for them and greased pole climbing is one of its competitive segments. Proyashi Barua elaborates
Read moreAt the grassroots in tribal belts of Jharkhand, Khassi (Goat) and Murga (Chicken) tournaments - for Archery to Football - help nurture budding sportspersons. And, of late, Sudhir Kumar Mishra tells us even Wrestling is garnering interest in these tournaments that draw huge crowds and give a festive [...]
Read moreAn ancient form of archery, started by the royalty, is still practiced much by the tribals in parts of Sikkim. Proyashi Barua sheds light on the game's rules which stand out for their uniqueness
Read moreIt has taken the sacrifice and toil of her mentors —mother and coach — to bring this tribal athletics champion to her current standing. Sudhir Kumar Mishra weaves together their life stories as Supriti gets selected for the U-20 World Championship 2022, to be held in Columbia in [...]
Read moreIndian women's hockey team captain Salima Tete has brought glory to both herself and her mentor, Manoj Kondegi. Sudhir Kumar Mishra speaks to Kondegi to learn the story of how a sporting star was discovered — yet again — in Jharkhand
Read moreAfter three years with the Arsenal in London, Moklan Namchoom is implementing his internationally-honed skills in Arunachal Pradesh, Proyashi Barua finds out
Read moreThe Tata Cultural Society, a subsidiary of Tata Steel, is striving to revive ancient tribal games such as Sekkor and Kati by way of organising tournaments, reports Sudhir Kumar Mishra
Read moreSome 50 km from Kohima, locals of Thipüzu Village in Phek district built a 5000-seater temporary stadium all by themselves to host a wrestling tournament in which grapplers from nine villages will participate
Read moreThe Indian Tribal is India’s first bilingual (English & Hindi) digital journalistic venture dedicated exclusively to the Scheduled Tribes. The ambitious, game-changer initiative is brought to you by Madtri Ventures Pvt Ltd (www.madtri.com). From the North East to Gujarat, from Kerala to Jammu and Kashmir — our seasoned journalists bring to the fore life stories from the backyards of the tribal, indigenous communities comprising 10.45 crore members and constituting 8.6 percent of India’s population as per Census 2011. Unsung Adivasi achievers, their lip-smacking cuisines, ancient medicinal systems, centuries-old unique games and sports, ageless arts and crafts, timeless music and traditional musical instruments, we cover the Scheduled Tribes community like never-before, of course, without losing sight of the ailments, shortcomings and negatives like domestic abuse, alcoholism and malnourishment among others plaguing them. Know the unknown, lesser-known tribal life as we bring reader-engaging stories of Adivasis of India.
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