Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has sought to reach out to the State’s Scheduled Tribes members, who number nearly 32 lakh and constitute 9.3 percent of the Telangana’s population. Of the 119 Assembly seats in Telangana, 12 are reserved for the Scheduled Tribes. And of the 17 Lok Sabha seats in the State, five are reserved for the STs.
His announcements related to the ST community are as follows:
- A Special Study Circle for the benefit of tribal students will be established. The State government will also study and prepare a plan to teach primary education in the Gond language. Steps will be taken to fill teaching and non-teaching posts in tribal B.Ed colleges in Utnoor and Bhadrachalam.
- Priority to be given to tribal students at the Skill University. Accommodation to be pr novided for them. ITIs in the agency areas being upgraded to ATCs.
- Birth and death anniversaries of tribal warrior Komuram Bheem as a State function will be observed. Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari directed to immediately issue orders to this effect.
- Officials instructed to conduct a comprehensive study and submit a report to resolve all tribal issues at the earliest after tribal leaders briefed him about the challenges they face vis a vis transportation, agriculture, drinking water, education, employment, and finance.
- CM to meet tribal associations once every four months. They have been encouraged to bring any issues directly to his attention.
- Officials to take measures to drop all cases filed against tribals during agitations as “cases filed against tribal youth would impact their lives and careers, particularly hindering job opportunities”. If necessary, a resolution in this regard will be adopted.
- Houses would be allotted to tribals separately under the CM quota, irrespective of the houses allotted under the MLA quota. Officials to ensure houses allotted in proportion to the population. Tribals to be allotted houses in non-agency areas too.
- Free solar motors to be provided with 100 per cent subsidy to farmers. Officials instructed to explore the possibility of digging borewells under Indira Jala Prabha and submit a report.
- Special drive to be launched to resolve drinking water problems in the ITDAs.
- Officials to sanction funds for Keslapur Jatara.